Monday, January 17, 2011

A Night at the Globes

So, for those of us who live on planet Earth, we know that the Golden Globes were held in Beverly Hills last night. Y'all, I live for awards shows. It's pretty much everything I obsess over: film, fashion, and celebrities. What's not to love?? But, I have to be honest - I was a little disappointed this year. Don't get me wrong, the films of 2010 were pretty amazing. "The Fighter" "The Social Network" "Inception", and from what I hear "The King's Speech" and "Black Swan" - (both of which I will be seeing this week). While these films rocked, I feel like the fashion from this usually glamorous night was just mediocre. Cue Angelina Jolie's thrift store-esque, emerald gown. Or how about Anne Hathaway's shoulder padded, penny-shaped sequin clad frock? Not cute, ladies.

Okay, I'll stop my fashion ranting for now and get to the point. There was definitely a repetitive color palette at the GG this year - one of which I happen to love. Jewel tones. Striking emerald greens, sherbets as pretty and tasty as the delicious treat, and deep navys that seemed to light up the faces of the A-listers sashaying down the runway. While all the shades of the night were simply gorgeous, there were 2 shades that really stood out in my mind: the emeralds and the sherbets. They couldn't be on more opposite ends of the color spectrum, and are normally worn in completely different seasons, yet, they both seemed to work on the red carpet last night. Now don't worry, I haven't gone AWOL and forgotten my purpose on entry #2. My goal for post #3 is to find pieces (under 100, of course) that are inspired by these jewel toned shades, and are equally as chic and practical as the designer duds worn last night. Because honestly, how many of us attend awards ceremonies or go to important benefit dinners on the reg?

For now, let's take a look at the loveliest lady of the night.. that didn't suffer a couture malfunction:  Claire Danes in Calvin Klein

All I have to say is bravo. Not only is the dress perfect and neon pink (these pictures don't do it justice), but her hair and make-up are both flawless. Definitely my favorite of the night.

More to come in post #3. For now, I think it's safe to say that Calvin Klein always prevails and you're never too old for pink.

1 comment:

  1. This. Is. Great. I'm so excited for your next post!!!

